- Rhode Island is the only state to celebrate VJ Day – bit.ly/superri1
- Pawtucket is the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution – bit.ly/superri2
- The Westminster Arcade is the oldest enclosed shopping mall in the U.S. – bit.ly/superri3
- Roger Williams National Memorial is the smallest U.S. national park – bit.ly/superri4
- The RI State House is the third-largest unsupported dome in the world – bit.ly/superri5
- Rhode Island has the most imbalanced state legislature – bit.ly/superri6
- The “Big Blue Bug” is the world’s largest artificial bug – bit.ly/superri7
- The Crawford Street Bridge was at one time the world’s widest bridge – bit.ly/superri8
- The town of Bristol has the country’s longest running 4th of July parade – bit.ly/superri9
- Rhode Island has the highest unemployment rate of any U.S. state – bit.ly/superri10
- Rhode Island has longest official state name – bit.ly/superri11
- Rhode Island has most non-profit organizations per capita – bit.ly/superri12
- Rhode Island has highest ratio of coastline to land area of any U.S. state – bit.ly/superri13
As someone who is accustomed to working digitally, I found the process of screenprinting to be quite frustrating, at least the way I was going about it. I built the artwork first in Photoshop and then got it printed on acetate in preparation to burn the screens. Essentially, I was printing as an interim step to printing. And I learned that in order to get the detail to show through in the screens, I had to layer two copies of the artwork on acetate on top of each other. I had some issues with registration between the two layers since the acetate was curled and had to redo the steps a few times to get it right. If I ever screenprint again, I plan on doing more drawing directly on the acetate as opposed to laying things out digitally first. And maybe I’ll focus on one color.